Zloth Gallery > Skyrim > The jarl has gotten a bit lost

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Dragonreach Keep Bloated Man's Grotto (farshot) Zapping Jordis Yorgrim Overlook Wristless Wonder Word on a wall Winterhold College 2 The jarl has gotten a bit lost Target Talos & Arkha Talos & Arhka (side) Take THAT! Take THAT! (side) Sun Eater Sun and Moonrise on Winterhold


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Posted Apr 18, 2012 by: Zloth
Description: After a meeting held outside of town, the jarl walked back home. He got a bit lost, unfortunately. I never could get him out of the water. I tried to push him out with Unrelenting Force but he bounced off the stairs and into a corner. The only cure was to re-load my previous save.
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3D System: PC with 3D Vision and an Asus monitor.
Stereo Camera: Fujifilm W3
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