Driss Gallery > Laval Virtual 2011 > Sense-Roid: Emotional Haptic Communication with Yourself

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Tremoille 2.0 Sound Forest - Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University (Japan) Sense-Roid: Emotional Haptic Communication with Yourself FLOWERS FIELDS - 1 FLOWERS FIELDS - 2 FLOWERS FIELDS - 3 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 1 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 2 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 2 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 3 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 4 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 6 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 7 AR Informative Glasses (Mobile Display) VRKit - HMD - 1 VRKit - HMD - 2


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Posted Apr 10, 2011 by: Driss
Description: Organization : Kajimoto Laboratory, The University of Electro-Communications (Japan) Authors: TAKAHASHI Nobuhiro, OKAZAKI Ryuta, OKABE Hiroyuki, YOSHIKAWA Hiromi , AOU Kanako, YAMAKAWA Shumpei, YOKOYAMA Maki, KAJIMOTO Hiroyuki " Abstract: What type of emotions could be obtained if you were able to hug yourself? When we hug someone, we feel a sense of ease coming from emotions such as belief, security and love. However, it is not possible to hug oneself, who is the closest person. To experience this situation, we proposed a tactile device called the Sense-Roid. The system is composed of a lay figure with tactile sensors to detect the user's caressing motion, and a tactile jacket with vibrators and artificial muscles to reflect the caressing motion to the user. As a result, users caress themselves through our Sense-Roid. We believe that this self-caressing experience will enlighten people about the value of caressing. " More @ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw5pFZaiuCg
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