Real3D Gallery > Ray Harryhausen > Medusa

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Medusa Wooly Mammoth Saba Tooth Tiger 7 Headed Hydra Dinosaur Giant Bird Calibos Trog Teeth of the Hydra Cyclopean Centuar Ymir Pegasus Earth Vs Flying Saucers Earth Vs Flying Saucers (2) Earth Vs Flying Saucers (3)


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Real3D Sep 28, 2012
@cravinmild: Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
cravinmild Sep 28, 2012
drama aside, glad to have seen these. I like this kind of 3d content, unique for here that ive seen and a large collection too. I do remember some of the models from the shows too. Thanks for posting.
Real3D Sep 27, 2012
@Nvidia: Hi, but you already have a system in operation where a member has to be logged in to comment or vote, why not change the wording " To submit a comment and vote you must be logged in". Remove your voting icon from where it is and place it under the main window of the image being viewed. Hope this is helpful.Thanks.
gwar195 Sep 25, 2012
@media3d I hope we can be good friend actually the post are for good feedback and converstaion for people i think are really into this type of work or hobbie like me. also for @NVIDIA i know they staff pics and awards don't mean anything unless you win a real prize like a camera or a new video card it's all in fun. Maybe because i enjoy doing it i don't consider it hard just a learning experiance for fun if i ever get back into it again as a job i won't lose my touch.
Media3D Sep 24, 2012
@gwar195: Thanks for the advise, I already have a number of 2D to 3D conversion programs and if you look closely at my postings you will see a number of these examples, it requires a lot of hard work! Medusa and the other photos were reported not to have been a 2D to3D conversion but a left and right image captured from a DVD. To show there are no hard feelings if you check your site you will find I have become one of your FOLLOWERS. I'm sure I'm going to regret this (LOL) All the best.
NVIDIA Sep 24, 2012
To clarify, "staff picks" is not an award - it's really just a call out for interesting 3D content that gets uploaded to the site. This section can include anything from screen captures to 2D/3D conversions to original 3D photographs. Ludvik and Media pretty much nail the overall goal of the site below - lets keep things civil, and supportive please.
gwar195 Sep 24, 2012
@media3d i didn't mean to make you mad just saying; You post your stuff for people to see and enjoy but you don't care to have followers. You realize if you do have followers you see there work when you follow them. thats why i follow a few ppl myself incase i don't get on for a while i don't have to miss anything. Also if converting a 2d to 3d picture gives you a hard time maybe you should try a differant program. I think it was very simple once you learn the program.
Media3D Sep 23, 2012
@gwar195: Thanks for your unrelated comment, since this is not about me, and by the way to convert a 2D picture into good 3D image is not that easy. I don't put my pictures on the site to have followers, they are posted for other members to enjoy and until a few moments ago I have never seen any of your work with or without your follows.
gwar195 Sep 23, 2012
@media3d you know there are some programs that convert 2d to 3d very easy. It's not a achievement. Also you should start following some people if you want them to see your work more. I noticed you didn't have any followers
Media3D Sep 23, 2012
I have been following with interest the comments made concerning this and other photos in the collection: I was under the impression that this site was for all kinds of 3D material to be shared and enjoyed by members of the community and to receive constructed criticism and not to act like children in the playground with the attitude that if I can't win I wont play. Concerning the copyright factor, unless you have written permission no matter what the content of the picture all photographs on the site are breaching copyright in one way or another. These are fantastic shots, the member concerned should be congratulated in his achievement to convert a 2D still into a true stereoscopic image. I hope you do not get too dishearten and remove these photos as there are members out there who appreciate you sharing these rare photos with us.
LudvikXIV Sep 23, 2012
@Real3D: I see great additions! Regarding rules it is up to Nvidia. Since site start guess 3 years it shows on this photo site much more than pure 3d photography, let say 3d content. I found it nice, because good content is always attracting and I like different sources of inspiration. There was great games screenshots, with beautiful environments, which is hard to achieve for real photography. If Nvidia thinks, that content is not applicable, they will let know. Anyway Nvidia is send us information about expected news, so let' s be tuned!
Real3D Sep 23, 2012
Many thanks for your comments. My intention in uploading these images were not to win any awards but to share with the community what I deem to be a tribute to Ray Harryhausen in giving his models a new lease of life, in 3D. If I have offend or upset any one by displaying these images, then I apologize and if necessary will remove them from the site.
gwar195 Sep 23, 2012
@ xedeyes if thats against the terms of service thats debateable he may have the rights now to put them up or have been asked just because he didn't take the picture and he admits it doesn't mean he can't share it. He never said he took the pic. So i think he is being honest. I took a one or 2 photos from the internet to play with and posted them because i liked it. But i asked permission or used my own stuff for 99% of all my posts there is one or 2 that were shareware pics the blue haired girl and maybe another one. All the rest I took. So it's ok to want to share something like this but he shouldn't win anything award from it. He didn't take the photo here. From his statement he is shareing.
eqzitara Sep 23, 2012
First off.... a big photographer praised him. Second there are 15 spots for top photo's.. just because you only come here for photographer shots doesnt mean thats all anyone comes here for. The world is bigger then just you. Learn to look around once in a while. Nice pic.
xedeyes Sep 22, 2012
I really don't like this type of thing, or the same thing done with google earth. I feel it diminishs the the work on HONEST photographers who post here and it's twice as bad when the staff picks things like this as favorites, probably not knowing it's origin. I also think it's technically against the "Terms of Service" since the copyright for this and the things made from google earth are not owned by you. But of course I feel the same about frame grabs from the 3D video games and since those are NVIDIAS biggest market I seriously doubt they will do anything about it.
Real3D Sep 22, 2012
@LudvikXIV: Many thanks for your advise and interest Ludvik, cheers!
LudvikXIV Sep 22, 2012
@Real3D: Awesome artwork collected in your new gallery! Thanks for bring Ray's models to life again!
Real3D Sep 20, 2012
@LudvikXIV: Thanks Ludvik, taken your advise, new image uploaded, album created, hope you like it. More images to come!
LudvikXIV Sep 20, 2012
This is really great work, I appretiate you share here with us. Would like to encourage you to create dedicated gallery to Ray.
Real3D Sep 20, 2012
@LudvikXIV: Hi, many thanks for your interest. I have been a big fan of Ray Harryausen and his special effects for many years, collecting a huge amount of material on his films, amongst which I came across a DVD displaying the models but only in 2D. The models had been filmed in such away that it was possible to capture a right and left hand image, the results as you can see are astonishing. There are still a number of images I have not posted in fear this will bore the soaks off other members.
LudvikXIV Sep 20, 2012
It is very interesting how you are searching for such a rare models, should be nice story for us here!
Real3D Sep 19, 2012
@LudvikXIV: This particular Ray Harryhausen model (The Gorgon) was used in the first "Clash of the Titans" long before the remake, this is the first time the 3D image has been seen in public, I think Mr Harryhausen would approve?
LudvikXIV Sep 19, 2012
Really fantastic model...
Posted Sep 18, 2012 by: Real3D
Description: This fantastic model from one of the films by Ray Harryhausen has never been seen before in 3D.
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3D System: PC 3D Vision, Optima 3D Projection System Shutter Glasses
Stereo Camera: Fuji w3 3D
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