Driss Gallery > Laval Virtual 2011 > Keyhole? - 3

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Tremoille 2.0 Sound Forest - Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University (Japan) Sense-Roid: Emotional Haptic Communication with Yourself FLOWERS FIELDS - 1 FLOWERS FIELDS - 2 FLOWERS FIELDS - 3 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 1 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 2 The Acroban Humanoid Project - 2 Keyhole? - 3 Electromagnetic Eye -  Large model Electromagnetic Eye - 1:1 scale - 1 Electromagnetic Eye - Lanny Smoot (Senior Research Scientist) Biri-biri: electric-stimulating pressure-sensitive touch interface CASMCam : Circular aligned sparse matrix camera The champagne of Laval Virtual 2011 :)


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Posted Apr 10, 2011 by: Driss
Description: Organization : Tokyo Interaction Center (Japan) Authors: niya+ (Kohei Shirai, Kyohei Onuki and Hiroki Yamada) Wolf Lane Studio (Sohan Ariel Hayes) Website: www.tokyointeract.org, www.niya-design.net, www.sohanarielhayes.com Description: This Augmented Reality project aims to give customers in a cafe an opportunity to make friends with new people through a communication with 3D avatar appears in "keyhole". We have installed several woody tables with keyholes in the middle of top boards at a cafe. When you peep through the keyhole, you can see "Mr.Tanaka", drunken middle-aged man idling away his time at your feet. You can interact with Mr. Tanaka by knocking the table. Mr.Tanaka is under one of all tables. So while someone communicates with Mr.Tanaka, other people cannot see anything in keyhole. When another customer knocks the table, Mr.Tanaka walks to his feet. This interaction with Mr.Tanaka works as a common subject and communication agent between people in a public space and gives them a chance to get acquainted with each other. Vibration sensor unit, iPhone, and battery pack are embedded in each table. You can see display of iPhone, which mixes 3D avatar and real view of floor, through the keyhole. Vibration sensor connected to microcomputer sends information of customer's behavior to the server computer via bluetooth. The server machine controls position and motion of the character and reflects it to all iPhones through Wi-Fi. More @ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73vy2fg7vks
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