Driss Gallery > Laval Virtual 2011 > CASMCam : Circular aligned sparse matrix camera

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Posted Apr 10, 2011 by: Driss
Description: Organization: Tama University Authors: Norimichi IDEHARA Website: iis.edu.tama.ac.jp/en/ Description: "The purpose of Circular Aligned Sparse Matrix CAMera (CASMCam) is to create a handy, cost-efficient method to archive a space with rotational free angle vision. CASMCam uses sparser cameras which are aligned on a circle surrounding a certain space. The image is interpolated from the camera views on-the-fly to provide free angle vision from the viewpoint on the circle. The estimation methods for finding corresponding point pairs based on the alignment of the cameras are proposed and experimented. The main goal of this system is to provide a common device to record tabletop handworks so that a user can replay them to learn. Other possible applications are to record active landscape objects from sparse viewpoints, to obtain a 3D model with discrete parts and to show artificial reality vision such as virtual hair-styles simulator." More @ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNv1IiHwrpc
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Stereo Camera: Fujifilm Finepix RealD W1
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